





DELAYS, DELAYS: Not only am I sorry that this issue is late on arrival but that many shipments are being delayed too, but that's the way it is. I'm involved in the process of finding a new house to live in and new quarters for Chevalier to operate out of and this has taken much time away from reg- ular activities. Although it is causing a delay now it will result in better service to you in the future. One of the local girls is going to begin to work with me on a regular part time basis after the first of

the year. Her name is Mary and she has been the Permanent Secretary of the Alph Chapter of FPE since its inception. She is an old friend of mine and one that I trust implicitly. As you know I regard my mailing list and information about my readers as a sacred confidence and go to considerable lengths to protect it. In taking on Mary, who is one of us, to help me with the recording and mailing of orders I can assure you that the same degree of concern will be felt by her. You can rely on her as you could and have on me in this matter.

It will take some time for her to become fam- iliar with the checks, controls and systems that I have devised so she may make some mistakes in the beginning. But if so please just let us know and we will straighten things out. Once she is familiar with things it should take a big load off of my shoulders so that I wont always be behind, always rushed and always having to put things off because something else is more pressing. I am hoping there-

fore that 1968 will be a big step forward.

While on the subject of delays I had best men- tion that which takes place between Fran and Cheva- lier. As Fran must use this address for FPE mail it